Két dolog van, amit Justin-ról tudnotok kell. Mindenekelőtt, sose fogsz nála tehetségesebb személlyel találkozni, aki filmekből vagy youtube videókból idézne. Egyszerűen egy zseni. Akármilyen adott helyzetben van egy visszavágása, vagy egy egysoros mondata, amit egyenesen egy filmből vett. Ez komoly dicséretet érdemel. “WHAT IS THIS? A CENTER FOR ANTS!?” (Részlet a Zoolander c. 2001-es filmből, Ben Stillertől – a szerk.) Másodsorban, szeret magáról harmadik személyben beszélni. Egész konkrétan "Young Saff"-ként. Az esélye annak, hogy elolvassa ezt a blogot egyenlő a nullával, úgyhogy ha meglátjátok az utcán, ne habozzatok rákiabálni, hogy 'Hey YOUNG SAFF'. Úgy zavarba fog jönni, hogy az azt követő ábrázat az arcán felbecsülhetetlen lesz.

Zalakerámia ZTE KK; Dallos Ádám
Hálás köszönet Claunak, azaz Kocsis Klaudiának a kiváló fordításért!
Jó napot!,
Still trying to learn this language a little bit. I think it’s important for two reasons that we learn to communicate at a basic level in Hungarian. First, It’s a strange feeling but often when I am out for lunch and I cannot speak to people around me you can feel isolated as if you were in a dark room...when you are in broad daylight. Second of all I think that it shows that we really want to be here and are interested in the culture and the people instead of just being here strictly to play basketball and almost passing through. I really want to make the most of this experience, on and off the court. If you see us on the streets don’t hesitate to come up to us, your english is way better than our Hungarian! Always looking to make new friends.
Since I last wrote we have have three games. They haven’t exactly been works of art but going 3 and 0 to start for a team with two rookies on it that hasn’t played together very long is nothing to be ashamed of. The good news is we seem to be getting better day-in, day-out. The importance of communication cannot be understated when there are language barriers. Even though I can’t understand most of what is said verbally, the non-verbal cues of basketball are universal so that makes it a little easier. I Would also like to give a shout-out to you guys, the fans... You guys are crazy and I love it! I’ve never seen support like this anyways and you guys give us a huge energy boost and advantage.
On a personal note, the start of the season has been challenging because well...I haven’t been able to practice. I have been battling achilles tendinitis in my left foot. The only way to get over tendinitis is to rest and anyone who knows me knows that I flat out suck at resting. I’m the kind of person who always needs to be doing something or I go stir crazy. I’ve managed to fill the time by reading and watching lots of downloaded TV on my laptop. I’ve been reading Phil Jacksons latest book ’11 rings’ and I’ve been re-watching the HBO series ‘entourage’.
Luckily the injury is slowly improving and I’ve been able to get off my butt and actually do some stuff instead of just playing in games then watching from the sidelines in practice.
There’s something I need to get off of my chest... ESPN.com just started their top 25 player countdown and they ranked Kobe 25TH!!!! (Insert 18 swear words here). There are two things in this life that will make me want to put you in a headlock and cut off your air supply.
1. Messing with my friends and fam.
2. 2. Talking shit about the mamba. I mean...they but the velociraptor look-a-like himself Chris(tina) Bosh ahead of Kobe for gods sake. There are certain things in life that are simply unacceptable, this is one of them and I won’t stand for it. I’m boycotting ESPN :) I’m a diehard laker fan..as you can tell. Last year I went to a game with the boys at Staples Center in Los Angeles and I was yelling so loud that you could hear me in the background on the TV telecast...I’m not joking. MAMMMMMBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. haha.
Anyways...back to the blog.
I spent a large portion of my time kicking it with Justin. He’s played over here in Europe for 3 years now and we have a similar sense of humor. He also acts as my taxi driver as I have yet to figure out how to drive a manual car. Slowly but surely I will master it...one stall at a time. There are two things you need to know about Justin. First of all you will never meet a person who is more gifted at quoting movies or youtube videos. The man simply but is a savant. In any given situation he has a comeback or a one-liner than is straight out of a movie. This takes serious dedication and needs to be commended. “WHAT IS THIS A CENTER FOR ANTS!?” Second of all, he has an affinity for referring to himself in the third person. More specifically as ‘Young Saff’. The odds of him actually reading this blog are slim-to-none so if you see him in the street don’t hesitate to yell ‘Hey...YOUNG SAFF’. He will be rattled and the ensuing embarrassment on his face will be priceless.
On a completely unrelated note, I have a serious problem...with the pillows here... LOL. The pillows are either HUGE or tiny. On a nightly basis I have a battle royale involving my fists and my mammoth pillows in a struggle to get the proper head angle. I sincerely hope my neighbors see me doing this. Canadians are real nutjobs... eh?
Back to reality. I’m really looking forward to the challenge this weekend or playing a quality team on the road. It will be a good test for our team and I think it will give us a good idea of where we are.
Before I sign off I figure I would be remiss If I didn’t shamelesly promote mine and my teammates social media accounts. It’s all about getting those followers up!
You can keep up with us daily on twitter at: @dougplumb @saff23 and @GeeBoss_3
Until next time.. Go ZTE!